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5 Tips to Help You in the Unpacking Process

January 11, 2023

Moving can be stressful. Many people assume that they only have to worry about packing and transportation. However, the entire process is not over until you unpack all your items and sort them correctly into their rooms. Here is a list of five tips that can help you stay organized and on track to make the process a little easier.

1. Unload the Boxes to the Correct Room

You might get tempted to unload everything into one room when you arrive at your new home. However, such a decision will only create more work for you and your family as you must now move everything to the room it belongs to.

Instead, unload everything in the correct room as the first step. Refer to your inventory list to know what belongs in each box. Labeled boxes based on room or the contents will save you the trouble of sorting through everything twice, which should make the process easier.

If you did not label the boxes when you packed them, take the time to look inside before you start unpacking so that you can place the items in the right room.

2. Unpack Based on a Priority System

Start with the essentials like bedding, toiletries, medications, and phone chargers. Place these items in a location that you can find easily.

After that, unpack the kitchen items and line the cupboards and cabinets. Then, put the beds together and unpack the linens for each bedroom. In this step, let each family member decide how they will arrange their room.

As you handle each room, decide on furniture placement and closet organization before you unbox everything. After that, unpack bathroom items. Lastly, tackle any supplemental storage areas like a basement or garage. This hierarchical process will have your home up and running quickly.

3. Declutter Your Items

As you unpack each item, decide where it should go and place it there immediately. If you're not sure where an item should go, place it back in the box. After a few weeks, go through any items still in the boxes and decide if you truly need them or if you can donate or throw them away. Also, use organizational tools like trays or boxes to help keep everything neatly arranged and easily accessible.

4. Take It Slow

If you are too tired, you can focus on small tasks that don't require a lot of thought or planning, such as cable organization or shelving books. Small tasks will help get the ball rolling and put your brain in the right mindset for tackling larger tasks. Task breakdown can help make unpacking seem more achievable and keep you positive and productive.

Set aside a few hours each day or on the weekends to complete the job. Focus on the task at hand to stay productive, so turn off the TV and play some music instead. Once you are done with the essential items and rooms, take time to enjoy the new space and plan some fun family activities.

5. Encourage Yourself to Finish Unpacking

Finally, do not procrastinate on any tasks during the unpacking process. Actively combat any unproductive thoughts that may prevent you from the tasks at hand. Remind yourself that you have the power to make a choice between the excuses that facilitate your inaction or the willpower to complete the process. If you feel overwhelmed, enlist the help of a friend or a professional.

Moving is best done with the help of professionals. Contact us at Baker Moving & Supplies for help with equipment and supplies to relocate your home, apartment, or office to your new location.

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